Gameblabla's blog

My personal blog for my projects and personal views

Recent posts

Nov 29, 2016
Older devices - Sony Xperia X8

The Sony Xperia X8 was first announced in June 2010 and released in September the same year.

It was quite a low-end device, even for its time.

Nov 28, 2016
Older devices - Sony Xperia Neo V

The Sony Xperia Neo V was released on October 2011. It was a cheaper alternative to the Sony Xperia Neo released previously in March of the same year.

Nov 27, 2016
Older devices - LG Optimus L3 E400

The LG Optimus L3 E400 is an Android device first released on February 2012. Even back when it was released, it was a fairly low-end device.

Sep 29, 2016
Rubby Bird 100 - Official Release

I am proud to announce the release of Rubby Bird 100, the sequel to Rubby Bird !

You thought rubbing one bird was easy enough ? Try with 100 birds instead !

Sep 28, 2016
KillMinds - Official Release

It is now available for Android (Google Play Store) and Sailfish OS. A Firefox OS version was finished but it is currently waiting Mozilla’s aproval.

Sep 27, 2016
Re-installed my blog (again)

Due to Ghost being a piece of shit, including :

  • No ability to have comments
  • Upgrading taking more than 512 Mb of RAM

Among others…